Sunday, July 22, 2012

Ah, technology

I have been trying to figure out how to link twitter and blogger and facebook all together. Why post things three times, right? And I only even have a twitter so I can follow some really fantastic writers. Change is not my thing anymore. I used to love it. I would rearrange the furniture, the pictures on the walls, and wish I could knock out walls or re-design the house. And for a long time I was current with technology, even building my own computer piece by piece.

Not so much anymore. Now that I have a gajillion kids and young women to keep track of and Girl Scout troops, well... I just don't have time. In fact, now I get excited when I have time and energy to actually move furniture around, which is rare, now. Maybe once a year if I am lucky. And for a long time, I have avoided getting "connected" in all the ways. I am one of the few without a cool smart phone. I don't like being tied to a phone. I don't mind being tied to a computer, though. I love my computer, don't get me wrong. I just don't like things that take extra thought or extra time, even though they may save me time in the future.

So, with all that whining said, I have finally done it. I sat myself down and decided to try it. To see if I was really too old to figure out current technology, or if I could navigate and figure it out. So this is my test. Was I able to successfully link my Twitter, Facebook, and Blog? Will it post where it's supposed to?

I don't know. We shall see. But I am in the mood to troubleshoot and figure it out. The kids are in bed, my older kids are being awesome and getting ready for sleep, and the house is clean enough for me to not guilt myself about the time spent. So here goes. Will it work?

update: apparently, I have some work to do before the blog will post to facebook or twitter... but twitter posts to both. If only I could figure out how to change the text color in the sidebar. For now, my apologies for the unreadable red. I've hunted through the html and css to try to find the code, but no luck as of yet. I haven't give up, though.

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