1: If you’re gonna pants it, prepare to edit. A Lot.
Pantsing. Discovery Writing. This thing I do when I'm just starting and trying to make a blank page not so blank by filling it with thoughts and voices and observations from a brand new character's point of view. Since starting this novel, I have done a ton of research in
learning how to write and edit. But I started by jumping in and writing. When I
hit a few snags, didn't like where things were headed, I listened to more writing advice and joined a writing group. After I figured out
where my story had been and where it was going, I wrote an outline and a synopsis. Some things I’d started with
just weren’t working and so I changed them. Halfway through. This meant my
writing group who was getting chapter by chapter were now getting chapters that
did not mesh with some of my changes. This is why I say join a writing group after you have a complete MS, but, you know, it's not like I follow my own advice, ever.